Friday, 28 August 2009

New Project

No illustrations for a little while as our baby girl was born on Monday morning.

Kitty Jean. Four weeks early, but 6 pounds and 7 ounces. Can't wait to get her home!

Wednesday, 5 August 2009

Coming Soon...

another photoshop painting

Here's another picture, done for the forthcoming Beat to Quaters RPG. This one's inspired by the character of Queequeg from one of my all-time favourite novels, Moby Dick- he's a character who has always fascinated me so I thought I'd channel a little of him into one of the pieaces for some inspiration.

I think I may be getting better at this. Applied a testure overlay on this one. And I like the colour palette.

Monday, 3 August 2009

photoshop painting

Here's the cover for Beat to Quaters. I've painted the whole thing in Photoshop this time which is a new venture for me- I usually use Painter. Now, I love Painter so don't get me wrong on that, I just thought it was criminal to not use Photoshop to it's full capacity. And Adam Hughes uses Photoshop, so it must be good.

The different parts (jacket, sashes, etc.) were all done on seperate layers set to multiply over the original linework and then lights and shadows were done exclusively with Dodge and Burn. In Painter I would have used transparent colour shade overlays for this, which is where thhis has differed. I then put a second copy of the linework over it set to 30% opacity just to pull the lines forward a bit.

It's done, I don't know if I like it or not, but it is my first attempt. I think I've just been looking at it for to long, so I can't tell if it's any good or not...